Pr. Hassan MAHER

Professeur au département de génie électrique et informatique
Laboratoire Nanotechnologies Nanosystèmes
Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

20 novembre 2015 à (..h..)

Composants microélectronique à base de nitrure de Gallium pour des applications de forte puissance.

Biographie et conférence >

Pr. Hassan MAHER

Ph.D. degrees in integrated micro-and opto-electronics and sensors from University Paris XI. In 1996 he joined the CNET, Bagneux, France, working on the growth of InP HEMT by MOCVD and design, implementation and characterization of InP composite channel HFETs for PIN-HEMT circuits. In 2000 he joined the CSDL at Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada, working on AlGaN/GaN microwave field-effect power transistors. In 2001 he joined PerkinElmer-Optoelectronics, QC, Canada, working on the development of the PIN-HBT circuits. In 2003 he joined OMMIC, Limeil-Brévannes (Paris), France, where he was leading the R&D department, working on FP7, ESA, ANR and other national projects dealing with RF MMICs based on HEMTs (InP, GaAs, Metamorphic, Pseudomorphic and GaN), RITD (diode) and HBTs. Since 2012 he is professor at the engineering faculty of the Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. He is also member of the laboratory "Laboratoire Nanotechnologies Nanosystèmes" Which is a bilateral research unit between France and Canada (LN2-CNRS-UMI-3463). His research is focused on advanced fabrication processes of III-V (GaAs, InP, GaN) devices and circuits.


Conception et réalisation, LERSI